Email Marketing

How do I Personalize an Automated Email?

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Tereza Zemanova  |   August 14th, 2023

10 Min.  read

Email automation is one of the most important digital marketing tools today. Automated emails have the potential to drive sales, increase open rates, and engage your customers in real time.

Most importantly, they save you time. You no longer have to sit and type an email at a time.

However, you have to tread with caution. Nobody likes the feeling of getting emails from a sales machine. Therefore, you need to learn every trick in the book on how you can personalize those automated email.

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1. Ask the Right Questions

You can’t possibly personalize emails if you don’t know anything about them. And the only way you can know your customers is by asking them as many questions as possible – relevant ones, of course.

Lucky for you, there are many ways for you to collect customer data. For instance, you can include a signup form where they fill in their name and email address.

But there is a limitation – if you bombard them with too many questions at the beginning, that might put them off. Therefore, save questions like their location and birthday for later. Surveys and feedback emails are a good way to learn more about your customers.

2. Set Triggers for your Emails

Most people think along the lines of scheduled emails whenever email automation is mentioned. But have you explored triggered emails?

This feature is available on all email automation platforms, which sends an email when the customer carries out a specific action. Trigger examples include clicking a link or purchasing goods worth a certain amount of money. Therefore, the customer will trigger the sequence on their own.

3. Offer Value in Emails

Your automated emails don’t always have to use a sales language, such as “Buy Now”. While there is nothing wrong with encouraging people to buy from you via email, there are better ways to do that than pushing a pitch.

What your customers want is the value from you. Can you answer the questions they might have about your brand? Can you share relevant industry news? They will feel more associated with your business if you constantly add value.

4. Select Your Language Carefully

Your language in an automated email will depend on the nature of your relationship with each recipient. For instance, there should be a difference in the choice of language between a prospective customer and someone who has been buying your products for years.

Still, on the same note, you need to curate content based on the customer type. For instance, if you sell shoes for both men and women, you might need different email content for the two audience types.

5. Repeat Their Name

Addressing a customer by their name on an automated email has got to be the most effective personalization trick. So doing it twice will even show a deeper connection.

The second use of their name will probably catch them by surprise so that you will have their attention. But it has to flow naturally. You can even go ahead and use their name in the conclusion.

6. Make Personalization a Process

Treat email personalization as a continuous process instead of a one-time thing. You can personalize other touch points throughout your journey even after you’ve captured the customer’s name and other important details. That way, they will never feel out of touch with your brand.

7. Integrate Email Marketing With Other Marketing Tools

Chances are, you do more than send automated emails to market your business. It would be good to merge your automated email platform with other marketing tools, like social media management software. That way, customers on the email subscription list will also be part of other marketing campaigns. You can search for a post office that can help you with this.

Some business owners also prefer sending out marketing collaterals to different homes to get the attention of more target customers.

What Does Email Automation Personalization Do for Your Business?

While doing anything in business, you need to ask yourself what’s in it for your brand. Lucky for you, personalizing automated emails has so many benefits for your business.

To begin with, this laser-focused customer targeting goes a long way in increasing the ROI. Since specific actions trigger emails, you will be telling subscribers exactly what they want to hear at that particular moment.

Besides, personalized emails increase the relevancy of your brand. If you do it correctly, these emails will drive engagement and inspire action. That also means a higher rate of customer retention and loyalty.

Always Pay Attention to Detail

Email is a powerful connection and communication tool for any marketer. But there is a likelihood that your competitors are also sending personalized automated emails to their customers. Therefore, the only way you can stand out is by showing your attention to detail in every email you send.

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